  • 产品价格: 面议
  • 所属行业: LED灯具
  • 浏览次数: 21次
  • 更新时间: 1970-01-01 00:00:00
    POLARIS 50 is a small size with high quality range of projector for indoor and outdoor application. POLARIS 50 is made by aluminum die-cast and apply with TriColor LEDs, which offers a various of color changing effects and rich, saturated color.
    POLARIS 50 has IP65 protection rating that can be used safely in outdoor projects. Nearly 3 times the color washing performance is delivery by POL-50 while only marginal size in depth occurred, the excellent color mixing brings no fringe shadow.

    USITT DMX-512-A compatibility is provided via driver of POLARIS series for extensive system configuration.

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